Shiva Rea serves the art of yoga around the world inspired by her Sat Guru Mata Amritanandamayi and thirty years of pilgrimage and studies in India.
As founder of Prana Vinyasa and the Samudra Global School for Living Yoga, Shiva honors the roots of yoga, Ayurveda, and tantra in creative, life-transforming courses and trainings. Her studies in Tantra, Ayurveda, Krishnamacharya lineage, Kalaripayattu, Odissi and somatic movement infuse an approach to living yoga and embodying the flow.
Shiva teaches in conferences, festivals, and actions for the environment, yoga, and the arts, including International Yoga Festival, Bhakti Fest, Earthdance, Yoga Journal Conference, Esalen Institute, Kripalu Center for Yoga, Omega Institute, and Yoga Campus.
Shiva has served as an advisor to Yoga Alliance in making educational and humanitarian changes for the future of yoga in the US as well as serving organizations such as EarthWays, Trees for the Future, and Yoga Gives Back. In India, she brings students from around the world to learn from the roots of yoga twice a year, supporting the clinic of CVN Kalari in Thiruvanathapuram. She was chosen as an international teacher to be part of the Incredible India Campaign and has travelled extensively in the North and South, in pilgrimage and service.
Shiva Rea received her B.A. and M.A. from the University of California, Los Angeles in World Arts and Cultures where she started the first yoga program at UCLA. Her dharma is to support thousands of s

shiva rea