Amanda Rose Loveland, from Santa Cruz, CA lives music and dance as meditation. From a young age, Amanda fell in love with the mystic, transformational, and communal aspects of music and dance as devotion. Since then she has performed and facilitated music and dance around the world. As an interdisciplinary artist, Amanda sings lead and is a multi-instrumentalist in two kirtan ensembles, including Living Devotion and her kirtan group Kamarta. Amanda connects her Bay Area community to indigenous spiritual arts serving as a non-profit organization board president, dancer, and musician of her Balinese Gamelan ensemble called Gamelan Sekar Swarasanti. She received a dance scholarship to study classical Indonesian sacred masks, and classical, and contemporary martial art forms in West Java. Amanda synthesizes her spiritual offerings and gifts to deliver original poetic artistry through her original pop duo band Love.
Amanda Rose Loveland returns to Bhakti Fest with vajra pride as a recent Vajrayana Buddhist initiate. She brings her galactic DJ presence to our local main stage at Bhakti Fest 2024 as Loveland. Catch her DJ sets, dance, and improvisational music performances in between the headlining acts.
amanda rose loveland